
Please to display the careful when shoots the firecracker.

_(-\\X Jumsy X//-)_



Brazil wins big cup. Jumsy wins bet with Tungsten. Walruses everywhere rejoice as a decisive blow for freedom is struck. Bon Jovi still sucks.

¢¢¢£££$$$ Jumsy $$$£££¢¢¢



All your badger are belong to us.

(Alan Greenspan) Jumsy (Alan Greenspan)



We have no rocks, please look elsewhere.

poOP Jumsy POop



Wrath, today, shall be dealt out in a lugubrious fashion.
You may feast your eyes upon the gloriousness that is the new Broccoli Applicants Flash™ movie. Try not to be blinded by the brilliance.




Ronald McDonald.

YES! Jumsy YES!



News Archive added below. Weirdness fixed. Sweetness adjusted to +7.

<[x]VV Jumsy VV[x]>



Ain't nothin' but a desktop, baby/Three high-res pictures make me crazy.




$$$$$$&3&3 Jumsy 3&3&$$$$$$ *



Dust me a bobby and we can ship it, fig style. Soppy.

And clip it, too.

(_|_) Jumsy (_|_)


I'm a little teapot, short and stout.

>Here is my orangutan, here is my snout.

When I get all dressed up, hear me sprout.

Tip the tuttle and pouring drought.

=\\ Jumsy //=



If you're wondering, the name of the forum theme is "I ate too much Easter candy too fast and vomited it all up all over this forum so now it looks really ugly."

Now then, what you've all been waiting for: the Penny Arcade fanart/crossover/whatever thingy. I don't know why.

+-= Jumsy. (Superman, eat your heart out) =-+


Yes. Broccoli Applicants is now bi-daily. Except instead of twice a day, it's once every two days. Try not to cry.

Forum=existence. Click.

:::::::: -Jumsy. (Trump is a chump who can go hump a stump) ::::::::



Actually, I lied. Today the newness commences. No matter. I'm still in charge around here for the time being.


<-<-< -Jumsy. (Master of Teras Kasi) >->->



Tomorrow shall begin the actual new comics. Or the newly actual comics. Or the nactewly....

Right. Jumsy here. If you're here, leave, because you actually aren't.

@@@--$x$ -Jumsy. (Fork welder and spot wielder) $x$---@@@



The final design has been completed. At long last, the glory of Broccoli Applicants may spread across the world like wildfire, destroying all in its path, and bringing power to I, Jumsy, he who shall soon be crowned emperor of the known universe. Thank you.

/\/\/\ -Jumsy. (Soon-to-be Emperor of the Known Universe) /\/\/\


All original work here is © the creator, so hands off, punks.

Broccoli Applicants is hosted on Keenspace, and don't you forget it.