New to the Applicants of Broccoli? Read this.
Critical Acclaim for Broccoli Applicants:

"Jumsy is by far the most brilliant man alive. He's like the Bob Dylan of online comic strips."

- Jumsy

"Daughter of darkness - stay out of my life (my life)."

- Tom Jones

"What's next? Rob Schneider, Dana Carvey and Sarah Michelle Gellar in The Philadelphia Story? David Spade as Citizen Kane?"

- Robert Wilonsky

"We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this."

- Abraham Lincoln

"We've got to risk implosion. We may explode into the biggest fireball this part of the galaxy has seen, but we've got to take that one in a million chance."

- William fucking Shatner

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JUL Aug 2002
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


I could not say for certain at this juncture, but suffice it to say we have our best people working on it.

(?nam deksam siht si ohW) Jumsy (Who is this masked man?)




hgfL Jumsy Lfgh



I am a fool. Shame.




We are the happy people. This is why we dance.




Do not heed Jumsy's advice.

Not Jumsy




Forum has moved, not that it matters.

!!! Jumsy !!!



Tacos are a delicious and nutritious way to start your day.

AaaB Jumsy BaaA



Jumsy must bow to this.

knuR Jumsy Runk



Tell Jumsy how much he sucks(SPAM-proofed).

@_^ Jumsy ^_@



--> Jumsy <--




Vote for Broccoli Applicants.  Now.

All original work here is © the creator, so hands off, punks.

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